Friday 26 April 2013

20th - 25th April
Shark Bay
On Saturday morning we met Scott and Sian and drove to Carrarang Station on the western side of Shark Bay. Unbelievably beautiful with a whole bay, beach and lagoon to ourselves. We didn't even have the tent set up and Mum spotted a dugong. We dropped everything, put goggles on and swam with a dugong. We just started back on the tent when a turtle when a green turtle bobbed up and then the dugong came back. Whilst swimming around after them, we bumped into a sea-snake too! Eventually got the tent up by sun-set!
Let the fishing begin! What a way to Christen the rods. The list included spangled emperor, javelin fish, reef shark, snapper and sole. Fish platter for dinner. We spent 2 days exploring fishing spots til we ran out of bait. Everywhere was beautiful and full of fish.

On Wednesday we went 4 wheel driving to Thunder Bay and Steep Point. Thunder Bay has the most amazing blow holes. Standing on top of the cliff about 40m above the sea, huge blasts of water come screaming out of the blow holes. Most of the holes were about 3 or 4 meters across but we found one which was only 3cm! Steep Point is the most westerly point of the Australian mainland and that whole area of Shark Bay was incredible.

On Anzac Day we had a look around Denham, the Stromatolites at Hamlin Pool, Shell Beach and an aquarium which was very interesting. The stromatolites are rock structures built by cyanobacteria. These bacteria have been alove on earth for 3.5 billion years!


  1. What an adventure you are having! All these photos and videos are fantastic! It sounds like you are learning some really interesting facts about Australia.

  2. Wow thats alot of fish! We were going to swim with sea lions but the ater was to cold. I'm glad you got to swim with a dugong.

  3. Oh! Dugongs are my favourite animal. How absolutely fantastic for you. Lucky Ducks! I love your blog I have read up to here so far. The photos are great. I've already decided to follow in your intrepid footsteps. Well back to reading. Thanks for sending me the link to the blog.
