Tuesday 30 April 2013

26th - 30th April
Re-stocked in Carnarvon and then headed west and camped just outside Gasgoyne Junction. Made it to Mt Augustus the next day but not before both water tanks sprung leaks- not good when there is supposed to be no drinking water available for the next 4 days! We caught what we could in buckets and saved enough to get by.
On Sunday, we all did a couple of short walks to aboriginal art sites (engravings in the rocks) and then a longer one up to a look out. By this stage it was very hot and when we pulled up at big water hole called Cattle Pool, we dived in.
Dad and Freya loaded their hiking packs and headed up Mt Augustus in the afternoon sun- tough work but rewarded with spectacular scenery and the summit all to ourselves. We set up camp and after a meal and few games of cards, watched the stars before drifting off to sleep. Having drunk 7 litres of water and a liter of milk, our packs were much lighter and we had a speedy trip down the next morning.
The drive towards Karijini National Park was eventful to say the least- we destroyed both trailer plugs, one trailer tyre and got a puncture in a car tyre as well! It meant Dad had plenty to fix in Tom Price the next day!

Friday 26 April 2013

20th - 25th April
Shark Bay
On Saturday morning we met Scott and Sian and drove to Carrarang Station on the western side of Shark Bay. Unbelievably beautiful with a whole bay, beach and lagoon to ourselves. We didn't even have the tent set up and Mum spotted a dugong. We dropped everything, put goggles on and swam with a dugong. We just started back on the tent when a turtle when a green turtle bobbed up and then the dugong came back. Whilst swimming around after them, we bumped into a sea-snake too! Eventually got the tent up by sun-set!
Let the fishing begin! What a way to Christen the rods. The list included spangled emperor, javelin fish, reef shark, snapper and sole. Fish platter for dinner. We spent 2 days exploring fishing spots til we ran out of bait. Everywhere was beautiful and full of fish.

On Wednesday we went 4 wheel driving to Thunder Bay and Steep Point. Thunder Bay has the most amazing blow holes. Standing on top of the cliff about 40m above the sea, huge blasts of water come screaming out of the blow holes. Most of the holes were about 3 or 4 meters across but we found one which was only 3cm! Steep Point is the most westerly point of the Australian mainland and that whole area of Shark Bay was incredible.

On Anzac Day we had a look around Denham, the Stromatolites at Hamlin Pool, Shell Beach and an aquarium which was very interesting. The stromatolites are rock structures built by cyanobacteria. These bacteria have been alove on earth for 3.5 billion years!
16th - 19th April
Had lunch at Yarra Yarra Salt lakes near Three Springs on the way to Kalbarri.

After 1100k we reached Kalbarri for a 3 day stop. There was a great parrot breeding centre where Imogen and Freya spotted a quail egg. We canoed along the Murcheson River where we saw Whistling Kites, emus, native hens, herrons, darters and had 2 mullet jump into our canoe- our first fish catch of the trip! Also walked through parts of the National Park which was pretty spectacular, especially "Natures Window".

13th - 15th April
Kalgoorlie- Super Pit- big hole with the most gold in a square mile anywhere in the world, big machines, big swimming centre with fun pool and slide and Imogen got a big dose of "Gold Fever".

11th - 12th April
Onto the Nullabor proper and all the way to WA, destination Cocklebiddy Cave for the night. The inspectors at the state border lighter load by taking our honey and anything with seeds or leaves and made us cut the tops and bottoms off our carrots (so they couldn't germinate/grow). On the way, we went bush and took a track to the southern edge of Australia for lunch. On the way back to the Eyre Hwy, we nearly drove into a sink hole with a cave at its base. We climbed down and explored for a while. This made us a bit late but for Finlay, setting up in the dark was all OK when the lamb chops hit the plate- "best chops I've EVER had".
Early start, geared up for caving and headed down below ground. We came to the underground lake, had a brief, cool swim and found lots of fossils that showed the sea floor origin of the Nullabor. Pushed on then to Kalgoorlie.

Thursday 25 April 2013

8th - 11th
Another early start with more miles to cover. The guys at the NSW/SA border quarantine station took most of our fruit and vegies as we headed for Streaky Bay. Had to stop in Port Augusta to get the trailer plug fixed on the way- not the most beautiful of towns, but Streaky Bay made the trip worthwhile.
Streaky Bay was beautiful. We camped by the sea and went swimming at the jetty where we also saw a big, fat seal and many other amazing creatures. We had lunch at a lovely café where we tried abalone (which I thought tasted like bacon) and fresh oysters. It was sensational. We went for a ride around town and Dad and Finlay found a skate park while the girls checked out the local shopping scene. For dinner we had King George Whiting and mussels (locally harvested).

We loved Streaky Bay and would love to come back one day.
6th April
What a crazy day! Eventually got away but only as far as Tamworth after dark so stayed in a cabin that night. At least we were on the road.

Up early (freezing) and headed for Broken Hill- 1030k west. It was a long day but we stopped between Warren and Nevertyre to watch cotton being harvested by picking machines and made into big round bales. They used to put the cotton into huge rectangular "modules" but very few of these were still being used.